Welcome to the Veil of Entropy media library.
The game has changed a lot over the years of development. This video history library shows you how the game's UI design has evolved.
Beta Demo v0.1.4 (Out of date footage)
A first look of the game play in action.
The demo takes a player through the setup process and the first few turns.
Here you can see some basic setup options and a standard approach to game play.
With a nearly infinite number of options, this video is only scratching the surface of what the game holds in store.
Setup Help (Out of date footage)
Norfolk Warriors is an inherently complex game. Getting a bit of extra explanation of what's going on during the setup process can only server to help you play a better game.
That being said, there's no substitution for experience. Once you learn the basics presented in the Setup Help, you'll want to explore everything the game has to offer in order to find whatever path to success suits you best.